Connecting Citizens with Public Administrations | NTT DATA

Public Services

Connecting Citizens with Public Administrations

Providing expert software and consultancy services tailored to the needs of the public sector

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Together for a Digital World

Digital tools and solutions help public administrations form a robust system that redefines the experience, connection, and communication with its citizens.

NTT DATA is your ideal partner for IT-enabled change projects, development, and implementation of solutions.

We leverage and implement efficient digital solutions that work to create an elevated community service. We provide top-notch public sector consulting services to make communities safer and more connected.

a group of people waiting in line at an airport

Selected Solutions

Asset Based Solutions

Syntphony Security and Identity Management Platform

It is an unattended, self-service access control system based on biometric identification. It integrates best-of-breed third party fingerprint and facial recognition features.

Asset Based Solutions

Syntphony Mobility Management

Syntphony Mobility Management is a set of solutions and systems for integrating mobility and road safety management in urban and regional environments under a single platform, thus facilitating digital transformation and public-private collaboration.

Our Clients

Ancom Logo


Casa Nationala de Pensii Logo

Casa Nationala de Pensii

Consiliul Concurentei Logo

Consiliul Concurentei

INS Logo

Institutul National de Statistica

Nuclear Electrica


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