Career counseling and guidance sessions to facilitate an easier way to find a job and develop your technical skills by applying the learning path in a workplace.
The project "Pursuing EXcellence" (PEX) is a co-financed project from the Human Capital Operational Program and it involves the participation of students from Romanian universities in compulsory and additional internships, carried out following the university curriculum. We implement ed this project for two years ending in September 2022.
246 students started their internship with us and 87 out of the 246 are already engaged in an additional, secondary internship to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their area of study. 232 students are currently enrolled in Undergraduate study programs, and 16 are already studying for their Master’s degrees.
The project's objective is to increase students' participation rate in the internship programs while implementing a partnership between universities and employers in Romania to facilitate the insertion of participants in the labor market after graduating from different academic programs (ISCED 6 and 7).
We believe that education can flourish when provided with the right conditions. That's why we get involved in students' education, to provide the environment in which they can develop the practical skills needed for the dynamic times we live in.
IT is a constantly changing industry and through internships in Pursuing EXcellence, we are giving young people the opportunity to keep up with the latest trends in technology and deepen their know-how in the most popular programming languages.
NTT DATA was born with the urge of integrating, enhancing and accelerating a technology-driven economic ecosystem with the intention of contributing to a more harmonious and advanced society through education-oriented programs.
2022 has been a year of many things, loaded with learning opportunities for both students and mentors.
Download the full 2022 reportScurta descriere
Carrying out the internship in a multinational company, with 20 years of experience in the IT field, under a tutor's guidance. After the internship is completed, you will obtain a certificate of practice.
Career counseling and guidance, services offered by accredited persons, to facilitate finding a job.
Development of technical and social skills and application of theoretical information during the internship that will facilitate easier integration into the labor market.
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Keeping in touch with our experts to periodically report your situation regarding the integration in the professional sphere.
Scurta descriere
Ioana & Mihai
Application Management Outsourcing
Alexandra & Alexandra
Talent Acquisition Management
Horia, Andreea & Miruna
Embedded Technologies, Software Testing in the automotive industry
Horatiu & Teodora
Application Management Outsourcing
Horia & Renata
Java development
Lavinia & Aura
Clarvision ERP Application
Press Release
270 NTT DATA employees from Brașov, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Sibiu, and Timișoara have benefited from 27 training and certification programs within the IDEA project
2021 has been a year of many things and regarding our project PEX – Pursuing EXcellence, it has been loaded with learning opportunities for both students and mentors.
The new office building represents a continuation of our company’s mission to deliver innovation and actively contribute to the creation of the future through a visionary approach.
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