"First Kids on Mars" comes with a unique concept for educational activities: an adventure on the planet Mars, in an unforgettable voyage.
Kids emerged in the astronaut world, learning about our solar system and Mars with the help of exceptional quality scenery setups, as well as modern technologies.
In the main atrium, children got dressed in astronauts, being able to choose the kind of costume and accessories to wear. Then, guided by animators, they tested their astronaut skills in various mission simulations and learned about gravity in the solar system. The children then prepared the launch of a missile on Mars, using a control panel and following the instructions received from headquarters.
The little ones had the opportunity to discover how astronauts live in space, in a rotating cylinder simulating a space station. They also got to learn more about planets with the help of the robot “Curiosity” and augmented reality.
Entertainers presented the efforts and the steps that are made in the search for life on Mars. At the end of the adventure children were able to take lots of funny pictures to mark their unique experience and the courage to participate in the exploration.
This interactive event took place between the 13th and 24th of November with free access offered by NTT DATA Romania for all kids curious to learn more about our universe.